During Writing Workshops, I give participants a list of resources they can check and use to help with their writing or even just to connect with a writers' community.
Here are some of those websites that I share:
One of the best sites for Short Stories, Writing Competitions, Writing Tips, Publishing Advice & Free Writing Resources​. Subscribe and receive Chris' newsletter to know which literary journals are having calls for submissions and/or writing competitions. A really great website full of useful resources for writers.
"Scribophile is a respectful online writing workshop and writer’s community. Writers of all skill levels join to improve each other’s work with thoughtful critiques and by sharing their writing experience.
We’re the writing group to join if you want to find beta readers, get the best feedback around, learn how to get published, and be a part of the friendliest and most successful writing workshop online." (Source: Scribophile website)
www.booklife.com (BookLife is by Publishers Weekly)
"BookLife is a website from Publishers Weekly dedicated to indie authors. The site provides a free and easy way to submit self-published books to Publishers Weekly for review, and offers editorial content—success stories, interviews, author profiles, how-to pieces, news, and features—geared toward helping indie authors achieve their goals. Whether an author is focused on writing and editing, art and design, or marketing and distribution, BookLife has valuable resources that can help along the way." (Source: BookLife website)​
Their Mission Statement from their website states: "Help each other write better."
I use this site often, to find editors for my work. This is what they say about themselves: "We're changing the way books are published by giving authors and publishers access to talented professionals, powerful tools, and free educational content." (Source: Reedsy website)
I have used this website to design a cover for my novel. It is a site for those looking for book cover designers, illustrators, media experts to help you run a campaign, etc.
"Are you Ready to Write your Book?" These is the first question you read when you access this website. It is a wonderful site for those requiring guidance for their writing and to complete their book. I had the pleasure of zoom-chatting with Joyce Glass about her work. She is the founder and one of two writing coaches of TheWriteCoach.biz. Quoting from the website: "She created The WRITE Plan to streamline her writing, and now teaches her clients this system." Visit the website and find inspiration!
Information from this link explains all: "Becoming a published author is an arduous road career path filled with decisions. Should you publish traditionally or on your own? Do you want to write a book, or are your skills more tailored to shorter forms of writing? With a great deal of effort and dedication, a career in writing can be for you, once you've narrowed down your goals and set your sights on achieving them."
Thank you to its authors, Anna Jones, Creative Writing Mentor, and her student, Alisha, for sharing this helpful link so I can in turn share it here with all of you.
For every author, writer and editor, the Chicago Manual of Style is almost a bible. In the website's own words: "It is the indispensable reference for writers, editors, proofreaders, indexers, copywriters, designers, and publishers, informing the editorial canon with sound, definitive advice."
Ever wonder how I get a 3D photo of my book? They are done through mock-up files. There are many websites and you can search for them on the web, but I find this site not only easy to use but has great mock-ups.
A visitor to my website suggested this website as a resource for those of you who want to make a website but need guidance and help. Jamie Spencer is the author of the website and in his own words: "My aim was to create a simple tutorial for individuals, business owners, bloggers and anyone else who is daunted by the prospect of building their own website. With this guide, I want to show you that you don’t need to code or hire a web developer to have a great looking and functioning website."
This is an article recommended to me on Writing for Theatre and Film, which includes further resources in the form of additional articles relating to this topic.
Thank you to Carol Briggs, Youth Services Librarian and Educator, and her student Anna, for sharing this helpful link.
This article, A Writer's Guide to Historical Fiction, was a recommendation by a wonderful mother as her son loves to write. Thank you, Robin Fagan, for the kindness. For those of you who wish to write historical fiction, this will give you some tips.
This article, How to Make Your Writing More Sensitive – and Why It Matters by Melissa Haun, was a recommendation by Emma Ewing, who had found it helpful and wished to share her finding. It is a great article about writing with sensitivity, a skill all writers today require. For Emma, it had helped her understand how to better communicate with readers by creating a safe and inclusive environment. She found that when writers are mindful of the reader's emotions and experiences, they can establish a sense of trust and empathy, to which I agree. Thank you, Emma, for the contribution.